The Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) is the premier organization for the exchange of knowledge in enterprise excellence. Members come together to explore lean thinking and other enterprise improvement methods, exchange best practices and network in order to advance their careers and improve the competitiveness and overall value of their organizations. 

Join the AME San Diego Consortium today and become part of a collaborative learning network of local companies that are committed to performance excellence and shared learning. Interested in joining? Get an introduction to the consortium and learn more about the benefits, offerings and more. Contact Lenny Perry, AME San Diego Consortium facilitator, at or 619-675-4444.

Member Networking

Special interest groups 

Member info 

Knowledge Center


Past event materials

Past newsletters

(Member only)

Keeping Current...Signal

Please join our AME@SD texting group on Signal to share, learn, and grow.  We will use it for the following:

For this to be effective, please install app on your phone and computer and turn notifications ON to receive notifications and alerts.  In addition, it's a great tool to send and receive texts, pictures, and videos from your phone to your computer without having to email. I use it all the time.  You can also use the QR code after you install the Signal App on your phone or computer.  I recommend using your phone number to create your account.